
Configuration options

Configuration files are located in conf directory


This is a comma separated list of domains, that Web Manager GUI should support. Corresponing entries (cn=OracleContext) must exist in LDAP server for domain to be loaded. =,


This parameter allows you to write application logs to a custom location. By default, application logs are written to logs directory. Just make sure that target destination is writable for user running web application.

logging.path = /var/log/tnsadmin-web 


Url to LDAP server with TNS records

oracle.ldap.url = ldap://localhost:389


LDAP base path, where your directory tree searches start. If empty, search starts from top.

oracle.ldap.base =
oracle.ldap.base = dc=example,dc=com

oracle.ldap.userDn, oracle.ldap.password

Login and password to LDAP directory. All modifications run as this user, so permission to modify is required.

oracle.ldap.userDn   = cn=Manager,dc=global
oracle.ldap.password = secret

db.test.user, db.test.password

TNSadmin is able to do a test connection to database and so test your connection string.
It doesn't need valid credentials, because also ORA-01017 Invalid Username/Password is considered as successful connection.
But in some cases you might want to use real credentials - you can define it here.

db.test.user     = dbTestUser
db.test.password = dbTestPassword


TNSadmin supports 3 authentication methods:

Local authentication
In LOCAL method, there is one fixed user tnsadmin with password stored in this configuration file.

tnsadmin.password = mypassword

Active Directory
In AD method, users are authenticated against Active Directory. - LDAP url to domain controller - windows domain name admin.roles - comma separated AD groups with administrative privileges

authentication = AD    = ldap:// = MYDOMAIN
admin.roles    = Oracle staff,DBAs

Generic LDAP server
In LDAP method, users are authenticated against LDAP server.
user.ldap.url - LDAP server url + root dn after /
user.ldap.manager.dn - bind user DN user.ldap.manager.password - bind user password user.ldap.users.dn - Search string for users without root DN user.ldap.groups.dn - Seach string for groups without root DN - Attribute name for group/role name admin.roles - comma separated LDAP groups with administrative privileges

authentication                  = LDAP
user.ldap.url                   = ldap://monkeymachine:389/dc=tnsadmin,dc=com
user.ldap.manager.dn            = cn=Manager,dc=tnsadmin,dc=com
user.ldap.manager.password      = secretPassw
user.ldap.users.dn              = uid={0},ou=Users
user.ldap.groups.dn             = ou=Groups = cn
admin.roles                     = Oracle staff,DBAs


TNSadmin will execute this script after successful update. If left empty, no script is executed.

tns.script.path =
tns.script.path = /usr/local/bin/


TNSadmin will generate jdbc uri for your users, but needs to know where your LDAP servers are.
For multiple LDAP servers (cluster), separate uris with a comma.

ldap.server.url = ldap://
ldap.server.url = ldap://,ldap://


This file is used as a resource, which your users are able to download for easy setup of their Oracle clients.
It is an oracle file described in Oracle® Database Net Services Reference
File can be then downloaded on http://TNSADMIN/ldap.ora


This is an Apache Tomcat configuration file. You are able to define ports, where Tomcat should listen.
By default, TNSadmin Web Manager GUI is configured to use ports 8005 and 8080. If this is in a conflict with your setup, just change ports here.